What Features can Weltenmacher Trainings provide?
Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS)
WM Tutor provides a personalised learning experience in VR. Our software is designed to implement autonomous learning experiences in standardized training lessons.
The modular build allows us to easily extend training lessons with regards to content as well as technical features. This way we are able to boost skill sets individually.

Our technologies specifically built for learning scenarios are the foundation of every module that is implemented in Virtual Reality. We ensure learning achievements: learning in virtual worlds, unharmed, sustainable, motivating, assisted, and personalised.
We provide successful learning experiences by combining our technologies with conventional educational procedures.
The Four Key Benefits of our WM Tutor
1. Adapts to the user
Brings an alternative for standard teacher-student face to face lessons, is able to react to individual needs1. Adapts to the user
Our WM Tutor removes the need for standard teacher-student face to face lessons. Our software allows for a personalised learning experience for every individual user while teaching step by step.
The application is able to adapt learning content to its different users. Learning success is ensured by our system adapting to the students – not the other way around.
2. Free learning
There is no blue-print solution, the tutor gives helpful feedback while learning2. Free learning
Repeated learning with our system supplies more information about skills that are already secured and skills that need improvement. Through repeated learning sessions with our software, we are able to identify strengths and weaknesses.
3. Motivation
Increases interactivity resulting in learning success3. Motivation
Users get immediate feedback and helpful advice while learning. Studies show that increased interactivity brings better learning success and keeps the motivation high. Our Tutor motivates students to the best of their abilities.
…and trainings are fun!
4. Expert
Has expertise in his field, detects mistakes immediately and corrects them4. Expert
The WM Tutor brings certainty to learning process. It detects mistakes immediately and corrects them. However, our Tutor does not follow a blue-print solution, because often there is more than just one solution. Instead of memorising a blue-print solution, we are offering trainees to find a way to solve a problem unrestrictedly.
A first-class tutor
Our intelligent virtual tutor
tries to emulate those exact competences. Our goal is to improve education through personalised learning using artificial intelligence and rule-based analysis in Virtual Reality.
The virtual tutor is depicted as a friendly avatar, who guides users through the training step by step in their individual tempo using various tools and detailed explanations.
Session Generator

When developing learning content, it is a challenge to make it diverse and adaptive to the users‘ skill level. Now this is what we achieve with our newly developed session generator. Designed as a modular piece of #Code, we are now equipping all those applications with it, that have a wide solution space and different variants of a learning topic.
For example in our first aid training, the scenario could vary from a mobile victim in a safe environment to an immobile victim in an unsafe environment.
The difficulty of the solution increases per scenario. Our applications can now offer these efficiently to the first aid students, depending on their learning progress and without having to hard code each and every scenario, but rather by having the algorithm putting the pieces together. Thereby we achieve the following:
We know that to successfully learn and internalize something hands-on experience is the best teacher. But that alone doesn’t do the trick.
Thats why we focus on individualized didactic conception besides the programming of our learning experiences to guarantee learning success of the trainees. Together with our clients or partners we work out the specific learning requirements for each application and implement them in a stand-alone VR application or a posssible blended learning concept.
We process the client’s learning content with the demand for absolute technical correctness and work out a concept that works best with VR for each application. For this, we structure our trainings based on evidence-based learning concepts.
Learning in VR – Benefits
Simulate processes
train step by step
get individual feedback
try and simulate different scenarious without risk
Our applications make it possible to go through the training without external help, as one is guided through the application and the learning process in the VR glasses. Nevertheless, feedback on the actual learning progress and the exercises performed by the trainee is interesting for trainers or instructors. This is where the analytics come in, which present the training carried out and the learning progress made in a clear and easy-to-understand manner for the trainer or instructor.

This gives them the opportunity to check the current status of the trainee after running through the application and possibly find areas where there are still difficulties to address again separately.
In addition, they give us the opportunity to identify difficulties with the handling of our applications even without direct feedback and thus allow us to improve them continuously.